Saturday, December 19, 2009

She has the magic of Santa Clause

I debated for weeks whether to let my daughter "have" Santa Claus. I know how commerical and materialistic this time of year and this particular holiday has become. I see the Christmas decorations in the store along side Halloween decorations in early October. It is too early. It bothers me. It makes me sad. I don't want my daughter caught up in that world-that holiday. I check out books from the library on St. Nicholas, on solistice, on how we came to have our version of Santa Claus. I am overwhelmed. I am trying to tell my 3 1/2 year old...well there was this man and he did great things and the current version is kind of based on him. She asks me what to believe and I ask her what does she think, what does she believe? I don't know what to think Mommy, that's why I'm asking you. OH....

I read a book about simplifying life for my daughter. It's wonderful and I'm only about ten pages into it. But basically a point is driven home. We are introducing adult fears and stresses into children's lives way before they can or should handle them. We are creating anxiety for them. We are robbing our children of the magic of childhood. BINGO...

She gets Santa Claus. I told my husband we will be honest when she asks us what we believe. Today I was. Mommy do you believe there is a Santa Claus? In a way yes, I tell her. I believed when I was a child and was excited about Christmas morning and what presents I'd have and leaving cookies for hinm on Christmas Eve. What presents did you get as a child? She asked and it made me think and I had great fun remembering or trying to remember and tell her about my childhood toys. I also tell her that although now I know my Mum and Dad used to buy me the presents, I still believe in the idea and spirit of Santa Claus. The idea of surprising a loved one with a gift, just because you love them and love to see their faces light up with opening up a gift. I love the idea that people this time of year give to others in need, in want, or simply just because. I love all of that.

I love Christmas and making homemade cookies and crafts and gifts for my family. This I am also giving my daughter. She helped me today make handmade coasters and tree ornaments. They were simple, but they were fun and we did them together. Nothing commercial; nothing consumeristic. But in the true spirit of giving of the heart; the magic of the season.

My daughter has been giving the gift of magic. She has the magic of Santa Claus and I am so glad we decided to let her have it. She has been so fun asking for us to leave Santa three cookies along with milk. Plus she is always asking "Why does Santa burn his butt?" (when he comes down the chimney.) This young child with such a beautiful and vivid imagination has given me back the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus as well. It is truly a blessing and a gift from the heart. We gave her Santa; she has given us so much more.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A great challenge for the New Year!

This is a great challenge for the new year and everyone should do this! How fun! Nothing to lose and everything to gain! Go out and support your local library and have fun in the process! I signed up! You should, too!

Here are the details from J. Kaye's Book Blog

The 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge

1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.

2. There are four levels:

--The Mini – Check out and read 25 library books.

--Just My Size – Check out and read 50 library books.

--Stepping It Up – Check out and read 75 library books.

--Super Size Me – Check out and read 100 library books.

(Aim high. As long as you read 25 by the end of 2010, you are a winner.)

3. Audio, Re-reads, eBooks, YA, Young Reader – any book as long as it is checked out from the library count. Checked out like with a library card, not purchased at a library sale.

4. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.

5. Crossovers from other reading challenges count.

6. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010.

This is one time when SUPER SIZE ME is a great choice!

My house attracts stuff and more stuff...where does all the stuff come from?

My daughter attends preschool at our local Waldorf School. It is a place filled with magic and natural beauty and natural toys. The aesthetics are serene and peaceful and beautiful and there is a sense of just enough. I love it as does she. Since she has been there, these past few months, I am attempting to bring that some sense of everything I love in her school to our home. Today while she was at school and my husband was making homemade pasta sauce, I went through her room to do another round of decluttering. I took a lot of stuffed animals out and books. Some will be stored to rotate in while rotating other toys out; some books will come back out during Halloween and spring; some just is sitting in my trunk to be sent to Goodwill tomorrow. I also placed two end tables in our garage; I have no idea yet what to do with these. I still look around her room and see areas that need space and nothingness and yet could be used to make play areas.

The more I take out, the more I find. The more I find, the more I wonder where does all this stuff come from? I really am not attracted to stuff anymore and yet my house seems to keep it and draw more in like some sort of cosmic stuff attracting black hole. It bewilders me. I have a mental list of what is important to me and this list guides what I want to keep and what I don't.

Important stuff:
being with family
cooking and sharing food with family and friends

It's a simple list. It isn't very long. Why then does my house have so much stuff? And who brought it here?