Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My house attracts stuff and more stuff...where does all the stuff come from?

My daughter attends preschool at our local Waldorf School. It is a place filled with magic and natural beauty and natural toys. The aesthetics are serene and peaceful and beautiful and there is a sense of just enough. I love it as does she. Since she has been there, these past few months, I am attempting to bring that some sense of everything I love in her school to our home. Today while she was at school and my husband was making homemade pasta sauce, I went through her room to do another round of decluttering. I took a lot of stuffed animals out and books. Some will be stored to rotate in while rotating other toys out; some books will come back out during Halloween and spring; some just is sitting in my trunk to be sent to Goodwill tomorrow. I also placed two end tables in our garage; I have no idea yet what to do with these. I still look around her room and see areas that need space and nothingness and yet could be used to make play areas.

The more I take out, the more I find. The more I find, the more I wonder where does all this stuff come from? I really am not attracted to stuff anymore and yet my house seems to keep it and draw more in like some sort of cosmic stuff attracting black hole. It bewilders me. I have a mental list of what is important to me and this list guides what I want to keep and what I don't.

Important stuff:
being with family
cooking and sharing food with family and friends

It's a simple list. It isn't very long. Why then does my house have so much stuff? And who brought it here?

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